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Vitamin Injections 

Vitamin injections are a rapid way of getting much needed vitamins into the body to enhance performance and wellbeing.


Injection vs Oral Pill

Injections contain 500 times more than an oral pill. The body starts to break down and metabolise an oral pill, which means a much lower amount is available for the body to absorb. Did you know that in a high dose of 1000mg vitamin pill, the body only absorbs around 30mg. Water soluble vitamins just pass out through urine. With an injection, it ensures a quick and efficient absorption so the whole amount injected is the amount that the body absorbs and benefits from. Individuals who are severely deficient in certain vitamins may not benefit from oral pills as they can be poorly absorbed by the digestive system. It is just as important that the body does not get too many vitamins as this can be toxic. A vitamin injection can monitor exactly how much the body is getting so it is a safe amount.​


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin which means it is a common deficiency in many people. B12 deficiency is often seen alongside anaemia. Symptoms of B12 deficiency are fatigue and struggling to stay awake even when you have had enough sleep, weakness and painful aching in muscles, shortness of breath and dizziness, headaches, mood changes or depression, memory loss or brain fog, disorientation, pale or yellow skin, eye issues and even a painful swollen tongue.

Benefits of B12 injections are:

  • Fights anaemia

  • Increases energy and lowers fatigue

  • Essential for healthy skin, hair and nails

  • Improves sleep patterns

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Helps regulate hormones

  • Reduces allergies

  • Reduces stress, anxiety and depression

  • Improves mood

  • Less frequent and severe headaches

  • Helps formulate red blood cells and facilitate cardiovascular and nervous system functions

  • Boosts metabolism – this can facilitate weight loss

Vitamin B12 injections are recommended once a week for four weeks and then once every 3 months afterwards. The injection is given into the deltoid muscle in your arm and only takes a few seconds to administer.


£30.00 each or course of 4 once weekly for £100.00

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that cannot be stored in the body so regular intake is essential for good health. This vitamin is also a natural antioxidant. Symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are muscle weakness, painful swollen joints, anaemia and anaemia related symptoms such as lack of energy and tiredness, gum disease and bleeding gums, slow wound healing, dry and rough skin, dry and splitting hair, nose bleeds and bruising easily.

Benefits of Vitamin C injections:

  • Boosts collagen and improves appearance of skin

  • Provides sun protection

  • Stimulates hair growth and improves condition of hair

  • Fights harmful free radicals

  • Helps wound healing

  • Healthy gums and teeth

  • Can reverse gum disease

  • Allows iron absorption

  • Prevents illness

  • Boosts collagen production

  • Promotes growth and repair of cells

  • Boosts immune system


Vitamin C injections are recommended once a month. The injection is given into the deltoid muscle in your arm and only takes a few seconds to administer.




Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. It is the only vitamin that is a hormone. It is important to get just the right amount as too little can cause unpleasant symptoms and illness and too much can be toxic. 1 billion people worldwide have a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cancers, heart disease and more recently Covid-19. Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency is dark circles and pale skin, excess sweating in both adults and children, aching bones, excess muscle pain, daily fatigue, frequent coughs and colds, slow healing of wounds, excess hair loss and low mood, feeling sad and depressed.

Benefits of Vitamin D injections:

  • Regulates mood and reduces depression

  • Boosts immune system

  • Protects against disease

  • Promotes weight loss and reduces appetite by the release of Leptin

  • Strengthens bones and teeth

  • Strengthens muscles

  • Improves sleep patterns

  • Improves cognitive health


Vitamin D injections are recommended once every 3 months. The injection is given into the deltoid muscle in your arm and only takes a few seconds to administer.




High dose Multivitamin (Vitamin C and B Complex Combined)

Combining both a Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex has a whole host of benefits for the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and assists in the absorption of many other vitamins and minerals. It enhances physical wellbeing, improves condition of the skin and hair and prevents illness. It is also responsible for producing collagen. The B vitamins are responsible for the development and maintenance of the nervous system and the formation of blood cells. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) – this is responsible for metabolism including that of glucose, amino acids and lipids. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – this is a vitamin needed for growth and overall good health. It helps the body break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to use as energy and it allows oxygen to be used in the body. Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) – this is very important as it is needed and used by every part of the body to function properly. It can help acne, reduce cholesterol and help brain function. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – this is needed for brain development in children and brain function in adults. It helps the body produce the hormone serotonin which helps regulate mood and norepinephrine which helps the body cope with stress.

Multivitamin injections are recommended once every 4 – 6 weeks. The injection is given into the Gluteus Medius muscle in your bottom and only takes a few seconds to administer.



Biotin (Vitamin H)

Biotin (also known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7) is part of the vitamin B family. This means it is a water soluble vitamin and cannot be stored in the body so regular intake is important to keep your body healthy. Biotin is involved with many metabolic processes within the body so it helps break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates and converts them into energy. Biotin helps production of the protein Keratin which is what makes up your hair, skin and nails. The most common symptoms of Biotin deficiency are dry, brittle or splitting hair, excess hair shedding and hair loss, dry and itchy skin and psoriasis. It can also cause loss of appetite, dry eyes, muscle pain, fatigue and depression.

Benefits of Biotin are:

  • Improves thickness and condition of hair

  • Growth and maintenance of tissues

  • Skin repair and anti ageing

  • Stimulates metabolism

  • Regulates blood sugars

  • Maintains healthy cholesterol

  • Helps the function of the nervous system

  • Boosts energy and reduces fatigue

Biotin injections are recommended once a week for six weeks.
A review is then done to determine a maintenance plan for follow ups. This may be once a month or once every two months.


£30.00 each or course of 6 once weekly for £150.00

Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
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